Personal Experience | CMAC

Personal Experience

Antimicrobial Resistance of Clinical Strains of H. influenzae Isolated from Children in Yekaterinburg During 2000–2005

Susceptibility testing of 268 clinical strains of H. influenzaе isolated from children in Yekaterinburg during 2000–2005 was performed by disc diffusion method. Resistance to ampicillin was 13%, to II generation cephalosporins – 3%. There was the …

Molecular Genetic Characteristics and Epidemiological Significance of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Pregnant Women and Aborted Fetuses in the Far East Region of Russia

L. monocytogenes strains isolated from aborted fetuses (n=13) and pregnant women (n=4) in the Far East region of Russia were studied. Of 17 tested strains, 11 were serovar 4b, 5 – serovar 1/2a and 1 – serovar 1/2b. Based on the sequence of inlA, inlB …

Efficacy and Safety of Combined Antimycotic Therapy of Invasive Aspergillosis in Children

Invasive aspergillosis is a common complication in children with hemoblastosis. This type of mycosis characterized with severe clinical presentations and high attributive mortality. Monotherapy with one of the systemic antimycotics is often using to …

Assessment of Mortality Rate and Efficacy of Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Sverdlovsk Region

Efficacy of regional standard of care «CommunityAcquired Pneumonia» and Sverdlovsk regional healthcare program «Intensive Care» were assessed. This paper presents results of retrospective analysis of ICU hospitalizations for severe community-acquired …

Efficacy and Safety of Caspofungin in Children with Invasive Fungal Infections

The prospective study of 19 children (aged of 1 to 17 years) with invasive fungal infections and different forms of immunosupression was conducted. Clinical and microbiological efficacy and safety of caspofungin, as well as analysis of direct costs …

Monitoring of Species Structure and Susceptibility to Antimycotics of Yeast-like Fungi, Isolated from the Genital Tract of Childbearing Age Women

The trends of species structure and susceptibility of yeast-like fungi to antimycotics, isolated from genital tract of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis (n=2828) in 1997–2003 were studied. There was found a tendency to increase in the rate of fungi …

Comparative Analysis of Etiology and Antimicrobial Resistance of the Main Nosocomial Pathogens Isolated from the ICUs in Ekaterinburg

Nosocomial infections are very important cause of morbidity and mortality in all developed countries. Results of antimicrobial resistance surveillance performed in the intensive care units of Ekaterinburg (Russia) are presented in the paper. The …

First Russian Experience of Successful Use of Caspofungin in Invasive Candidiasis in Patient with Severe Hepatic Failure (Clinical case)

A clinical case of the successful use of caspofungin for the treatment of invasive candidiasis, caused by fluconazole- and voriconazole-resistant strain of Candida glabrata, in the patient with severe hepatic failure (Child-Pugh score of 12) due to …

Candida Infections in Very-Low-Birth-Wieight Neonates

The literature devoted to the Candida infections in very-low-birth-weight neonates was reviewed using the Medline and Cochrane databases. Studies in children older than 28 days, full-term newborns, and Candida colonization studies, were excluded from …

Risk Factors for Development of Candidemia in Neonates with Gestational Age Less Than 32 Weeks

The presend study is a retrospective case–control study included 218 infants with gestation age less than 32 weeks hospitalised in the neonatal ICU during 1999–2002. Frequency of the candidemia was 5%. Mortality in newborns with candidemia was 91%. …