antimicrobials | CMAC


Infections in Russian ICUs: Results of the Nationwide Multicenter Study

Epidemiological data on the prevalence of infections in ICU is crucial for clinical practice. At the same time in Russia only very limited local information was available. So, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and etiology …

Selection of Resistance Associated with the Use of Antimicrobial Agents: Collateral Damage Concept

Collateral damage concept describes an adverse ecological effect associated with the use of antimicrobial agents. The main point is a selection of multidrug-resistant strains and subsequent colonization and infections caused by those microorganisms. …

Analysis of Anti-Infective Therapy in Pregnant Women in Primorskiy Region

Results of retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study in Far East region of Russia within 2004–2008 are presented. 1119 cases of antibacterials administration during the first trimester of pregnancy from 554 medical records were analyzed. Results of …

From 2004 to 2009: Whether Pharmacists’ Recommendations on Acute Urethritis Have Changed over 5 Years?

Influence of pharmacists on treatment selection in male patients with acute urethritis in 2003–2004 (Moscow, Smolensk, Kaluga, Kaliningrad) and 2009 (Moscow, Smolensk, Kaluga, Kaliningrad, Tula) was studied. Using “patient simulation” method and …

Etiology of Diabetic Foot Infections and In Vitro Activity of Antimicrobial Agents

This article presents the results of the study to determine etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility in diabetic foot infections (DFI). A total of 288 isolates were obtained from patients with confirmed DFI by fine-needle aspiration/biopsy during …

Urinary Tract Infections in Diabetic Patients

Urinary tract infections (UTI) in patients with diabetes mellitus are considered complicated UTI. The specific characteristics of UTI in diabetic patients are the following: high prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria, involvement of upper urinary …

Analysis of Outpatient Use of Systemic Antimicrobials in Different Regions of Russia

The objective of the study was to evaluate the outpatient use of systemic antimicrobials in different regions of Russia. Data on the use of antimicrobials in 24 regions of Russia during year 2004 were collected according to the audit of …

Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Pneumonia: Levofloxacin vs. Other Treatment Options

Translated and reprinted with permission from «Chemotherapie Journal» 2007; 16:41-8.

The main objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of levofloxacin in hospitalized patients suffering from pneumonia to other antibiotic options by …

Current State of Pediatricians Knowledge about Diagnosis, Prophylaxis and Treatment of Dysbacteriosis

Russia is the only country, where the term «dysbacteriosis» is used. However, there is no nosologic form such as dysbacteriosis in the ICIDH-10, and effectiveness of the medications used for prophylaxis and treatment of this condition has a lowest …

Problem of Counterfeit Drugs: Focus on Antimicrobials

The problem of counterfeit drugs was first discussed at international level in 1985 at the World Health Organization Conference of Experts on the Rational Use of Drugs in Nairobi. Nowadays it is estimated that counterfeit arc up to 10% of allmarketed …