Escherichia coli as a Nosocomial Pathogen in ICUs | CMAC

Escherichia coli as a Nosocomial Pathogen in ICUs

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2011; 13(4):314-321

Journal article


Over the last years, Gram-negative bacilli are the leading cause of nosocomial infections in different part of the world. Intensive care units (ICUs) differ from other units by continuous healthcare worker-to-patient contacts, large number of invasive procedures, and common use of antimicrobial agents, thus, promoting selection of resistant strains. One of the most common pathogens in ICU patients is Escherichia coli. This paper presents characteristics of the common E. coli serotypes and their prevalence data. Results from multicenter surveillance studies on the incidence of E. coli as a causative agent in bloodstream infections, nosocomial pneumonia, skin and soft tissue infections are also provided. Current incidence rates (including Russian data) of resistance of E. coli to main antimicrobial classes are described in detail. A focus on prevalence of ESBL-producing E. coli strains and different types of ESBL is made.

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