Personal Experience | CMAC

Personal Experience

Gut Microbiota Composition in Patients with Different Body Weight

Objective. To characterize gut microbiota composition in patients with different body weight. Materials and Methods. A total of 92 patients (mean age: 52.8 years) with different body mass index (BMI), with or without abdominal obesity were enrolled in the study. A metagenomic analysis as an assessment of 16S rRNA gene diversity in a total DNA sample was performed according to 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation protocol. Taxonomic composition of the samples was evaluated using 16S rRNA gene sequences database Greengenes v.

Topical Treatment of Wounds and Wound Infection: Results of Anonymous Surgeons Questioning

Topical management of wounds and wound infections is still the area of surgery in which there are no clear standards. A number of topical antimicrobial agents are used in clinical practice as a result of deficiency of adequate information in surgical …

Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Colonizing Gastrointestinal Tract in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease on Admission to Cardiac Surgery Hospital

We studied 126 children, admitted to cardiac surgery hospital with colonization of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) by multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Criterion for inclusion in the study were children with complex congenital heart disease …

Antimicrobial Resistance of Microorganisms Causing Chronic Post-Traumatic Osteomyelitis

This paper presents the results of a microbiological study of clinical specimens obtained from 64 patients with chronic post-traumatic osteomyelitis of long bones during the 2011–2013. A total of 136 clinical strains were isolated and identified to a …

Prevalence of Occult and Mutant HBV Infection in Hospitalized Haematological Patients

A total of 717 serum samples from haematological patients, who were hospitalized in Botkin City Clinical Hospital (Moscow) in the 2011–2014, were tested. High frequency of hepatitis B virus (HBV) serologic markers was established: HBsAg — 4.5%; …

The Role of Opportunistic Microorganisms in the Etiology of Chronic Endometritis in Women of Reproductive Age

Objective. To assess potential role of opportunistic microorganisms in the etiology of chronic endometritis by comparison of microbiota of upper and lower genital tract in women of reproductive age with different histopathologic findings of chronic endometritis and endometrial polyps. Materials and Methods. A total of 164 women of reproductive age were enrolled in this study and assigned to four groups by histopathologic changes in endometrium: I — complete set of chronic endometritis findings (n=38); II — partial set of chronic endometritis findings (n=92); III — endometrial polyps (n=15); IV — control group (n=19).

The Involvement of Human Gut Microbiota in Chronic Systemic Inflammation

This article presents current view about the mechanisms of human gut microbiota influence on chronic systemic inflammation. Over the last years, evidence of close relationship between different medical conditions and gut microbiota status has been …

Use of the Anti-Pseudomonas Vaccine for Prophylaxis and Treatment of Nosocomial Infections in Patients with Severe Burn Trauma

Objective. To explore potential of anti-Pseudomonas vaccine for the prophylaxis and treatment of infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with severe burn trauma. Materials and Methods. This was a pilot, singlecenter randomized, parallel group study which enrolled patients with burns involving 10 to 60% of the body surface area. A total of 24 patients have received a course of «Pseudovac» vaccine (vaccination group), and 24 patients were included in the control arm (non-vaccination group).

Genotyping Analysis of Nosocomial Acinetobacter baumannii Strains

The problem of genotypic variety of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from patients with healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) are discussed. Carbapenemresistant strains, which are predominant in the study region, were shown to belong to the …

Surveillance of Activity of Netilmicin in Comparison with Other Antimicrobials against Russian Ophtalmic Bacterial Isolates

Objective. Aim. To evaluate current susceptibility patterns of the potential ocular bacterial pathogens to netilmicin in comparison with other antimicrobials in Russia. Materials and Methods. Overall in the study were included 200 S. aureus strains (100 — MRSA), 50 — coagulase-negative staphylococci, 50 — P. aeruginosa, 50 — Acinetobacter spp., and 50 — Enterobacteriaceae strains, isolated from outpatients and inpatients located in 17 cities of different regions of Russia during 2010–2014.