antimicrobials | CMAC


The Use of Antimicrobials in Pregnancy

The use of antimicrobials in pregnancy is associated with a potential risk for deleterious effect on fetus and neonate. Pregnancy may be associated with changes in pharmacokinetics because of reduced renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, …

New Approaches to the Optimization of Antimicrobial Therapy of Respiratory Tract Infections Using Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Parameters

To understand the relationship between drug dose and efficacy, pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) characteristics need to be integrated. There are two patterns of antimicrobial activity: time-dependent killing and concentration-dependent …

Practice Guidelines on Antimicrobial Therapy of Sinusitis

This paper presents data on epidemiology and etiology of sinusitis in Russia as well as antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of most likely pathogens, causing different forms of the disease. Choice of antimicrobials for treatment of different types …

Dosage of antibioties in patients with renal impairment

Most drugs and their metabolites are partly or completely excreted by kidneys. Thus in patients with renal impairment it is often crucial to modify antibiotic dosage regimens accordingly to the renal function tests. One of the main characteristics is …

The WHO Model List of Essential Drugs

The WHO Model List of Essential Drugs is eagerly awaited in many countries as a guide to what should be provided for basic health needs. Colloquially known as the «Essential Drugs List» it should perhaps be remembered that it is only a …