Some issues of the resistance of Candida glabrata to echinocandins | CMAC

Some issues of the resistance of Candida glabrata to echinocandins

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2019; 21(4):324-329



Invasive candidiasis is a common, severe and often difficult to treat complication in various categories of patients. Despite the fact that in most cases Candida albicans retains a leading position as an etiological cause, a pathogen such as Candida glabrata is becoming an increasingly relevant species, especially in oncohematology patients who have previously received therapy with azole antimycotics. For the treatment of systemic infections caused by C. glabrata, according to current versions of practical guidelines, echinocandins are the drugs of choice. Possessing high fungicidal activity, unlike azoles, they allow in most cases to achieve the clinical efficacy of therapy when this pathogen is isolated. However, there is an evidence of the selection of C. glabrata strains with reduced susceptibility or even resistance to echinocandins. This article briefly presents data on the problem of resistance of C. glabrata to drugs of this class, as well as the results of Russian in vitro studies.

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