This literature review was aimed to summarize information on an extracellular matrix, which is one of the most important components of microbial biofilms. Structural and biochemical characteristics of biofilms matrix produced by the most common pathogens are reviewed. The matrix functions, including its role in the natural course of infectious process are described in detail. The matrix is considered as an indicator of biofilm forming and has some diagnostic value; therefore, this review focuses on the matrix detection and characterization methods. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to the management of biofilms through the disorganization of their matrix are proposed in this article. A potential for the use of matrix substances as the active components of vaccines is also discussed.
Scientific Center of Children’s Health, Moscow, Russia
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Scientific Center of Children’s Health, Moscow, Russia
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