Mycobacterioses are caused by multiple opportunistic bacteria that are ubiquitous. The incidence rate of nontuberculosis mycobacterial infections (NTM) is rising due to an increased number of immunocompromised patients and advances in diagnosis. Different medical specialties deal with mycobacterioses: pulmonologists, phtisiologists, infectious diseases specialists, pediatricians, dermatovenereologists, orthopedists, surgeons. There is a lot of unknown issues concerning mycobacterioses treatment; international guidelines on the treatment of NTM do not have a high level of evidence; and national guidelines on the management of patients with NTM are lacking. This review focuses on the classification, epidemiology, and diagnosis of pulmonary NTM. The interpretation of drug susceptibility testing (DST) results for clinical decision-making process, treatment regimens and duration for different species of NTM as well as further medical treatment perspectives are also detailed in this article.
RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow, Russia
Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow, Russia
Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russia
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