A Retrospective Data Analysis of the Structure of Isolated Microorganisms in Secondary Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Using Permuted Test | CMAC

A Retrospective Data Analysis of the Structure of Isolated Microorganisms in Secondary Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Using Permuted Test

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016; 18(1):33-41

Journal article


Objectives. To analyze the structure of microorganisms isolated in patients with secondary skin and soft tissues infection (SSTIs) (trophic ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic arterial insufficiency (CAI), chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), pressure sores and to evaluated methodology of data analysis.

Materials and Methods.

A retrospective analysis of data 2013–2015 and 2006–2007 studies was performed. The structure of isolated microorganisms in patients with DM, CAI, CVI, pressure sores was investigated and multiple comparisons were performed.


In total among all projects carried out in 2013–2015, 2006–2007 98 patients with DM, CAI, CVI, pressure sores were identified. In this group of patients 107 microorganisms were isolated. The most frequently isolated microorganism among this patients was Staphylococcus aureus (34,6%), the second for frequency was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15,0%), the third — Acinetobacter baumannii (9,4%). Determination of the «dominant» microorganism failed due to low power of the criteria. But in patient with DM the «dominant» microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus, moreover, that microorganism was isolated significantly more frequently in patients with DM, than in patients with pressure sores.


It was founded that the structural features of the isolated microorganisms is significantly associated with the type of diagnosis. The only established a «dominant» microorganism in patient with DM was Staphylococcus aureus. The methodology of data analysis allows us to study the structure of microorganisms in connection with the type of the diagnosis.

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