Treatment of Acute Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis: Current Guidelines and Russian Local Situation | CMAC

Treatment of Acute Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis: Current Guidelines and Russian Local Situation

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2013; 15(3):198-211

Journal article


The article analyzes contemporary recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of acute tonsillopharyngitis, and essential practical aspects for management of patients with this infection considering characteristics of antibiotic resistance profile of S. pyogenes in Russia, possible causes of penicillin failures in GABHStonsillopharyngitis, insisting need to improve patient treatment compliance, and potential role of «atypical» bacteria in sore throat. Presented data make possible to determine a rational diagnostic approach to patients with acute tonsillopharyngitis, and to justify the optimal treatment regimen of GABHS-tonsillopharyngitis with the use of short courses of azithromycin in children and adult patients.

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