Urinary Tract Infections in Adolescent Females in Case of Isolation of STDs Causative Agents | CMAC

Urinary Tract Infections in Adolescent Females in Case of Isolation of STDs Causative Agents

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2009; 11(1):31-39

Journal article


Among adolescent children urinary tract infections (UTI) occurs in around 1% of male and up to 3% of female persons. In adolescent girls during the last decades the frequency of sexually transmitted infections (STI) is rising. Non-treated infections can lead to serious consequences, including pelvic inflammatory diseases, infertility, ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis in adolescents is complicated by the fact, that the symptoms are often intersects with STI symptoms, caused by a variety of causative agents, that is not exclude a presence both UTI and STI in one patient. We assessed a prevalence of STI among adolescent girls, suffering from different UTIs. According to the anamnesis, 12 of 42 (33.3%) adolescent girls were under medical observation regarding UTI, while in 3 (7.1%) was a cystitis, in у 4 (9.5%) – chronic pyelonephritis and in 5 (11.9%) – undifferentiated UTI. In 22 patients, examined with polymerase chain reaction assay, were revealed the STI causative agents, while in half of cases there was a combination of pathogens. In 3 patients (7.1%) Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection was detected, in 2 (4.8%) were detected Chlamydia spp., in 19 cases (45.2%) – Ureaplasma urealyticum, and in 9 patients Mycoplasma hominis was isolated. In UTI-patients in 41.7% (5 of 12 patients) of cases was detected U. urealyticum and combination of this pathogen with M. hominis. While making a correlation with gynecological diagnoses, in 55.6% cases of gynecological diseases were isolated the potential STI causative agents.

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