Current Options for the Pharmacotherapy of the Invasive Candidiasis in Children | CMAC

Current Options for the Pharmacotherapy of the Invasive Candidiasis in Children

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2008; 10(4):292-304

Journal article


Invasive mycoses are the substantial cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised children. The prevalence of invasive mycoses in this population is around 25% and the mortality rates are run up to 55-60%. Invasive candidiasis is a major clinical form of systemic fungal infections, and in approximately 60% of all cases in children C. albicans and C. parapsilosis are main causative agents. Efficacy and safety of the therapy are the key characteristics in selection of antimycotics for the therapy of invasive candidiasis in children, but which for a long time was limited to conventional amphotericin B. The entrance of lipid forms of amphotericin B and azoles, especially fluconazole, was the beginning of the new stage in the therapy of candidiasis. The discovery of the echinocandins class and the entrance to the market his first representative – caspofungin – was the principal event in the medical mycology. For nowadays caspofungin is the first antimycotic from echinocandins group which got in July 2008 the official FDA approval regarding his application in children after 3 months of life. In this article a short review about current possibilities in pharmacotherapy of invasive candidiasis in children has been made.

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