Spiramycin: the classic and the present | CMAC

Spiramycin: the classic and the present

Клиническая Микробиология и Антимикробная Химиотерапия. 2005; 7(3):301-312

Journal article


Spiramycin is classic representative of the 16-membered macrolides, which was synthesized in 1954. Nevertheless he keeps his clinical significance due to the high activity against typical causative agents of respiratory tract, skin and soft tissues infections, activity against atypical pathogens, which causes infections of the respiratory and urinary tract, and also against protozoa (toxoplasma, cryptosporidium). High tissue concentrations, intracellular accumulation, low protein binding, lack of drug interactions permits benefit usage of spiramycin. The safety profile was confirmed in a great number of clinical trials, including pregnant. An existent experience of clinical usage of spiramycin in different countries, including Russia, allows to use it in a variety of indications in pulmonology, gynecology, obstetrics, pediatric, dermatology, venereology and stomatology.

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