Urinary tract infections are one of the most prevalent community-acquired diseases. One of the crucial moments in the therapy of these infections is the usage of antibacterial drugs. This article shows the results of systematic review the goal of which was to determine the safest fluoroquinolones in the therapy of acute uncomplicated cystitis and also the data from meta-analysis the purpose of which was to define an optimal duration of pharmacotherapy of acute uncomplicated cystitis with fluoroquinolones. The studies showed that there are no significant differences in clinical and microbiological efficacy of fluoroquinolones in acute uncomplicated cystitis; the safest drugs are norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin; 3-days therapy course of acute uncomplicated cystitis is superior to the single-dose therapy in efficacy and safety, but non-inferior to a 7-day course.
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