A Problem of Sarcoidosis Treatment: Cause for Discussion and Controlled Trials | CMAC

A Problem of Sarcoidosis Treatment: Cause for Discussion and Controlled Trials

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.2004; 6(3):232-242

Journal article


This literature review presents approaches to the treatment of sarcoidosis, which are based on currently offered hypothesis of its pathogensis.These include: influence on granulomatous inflammation (corticosteroids, cytotoxic agents, anti-malaria drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs); influence on secondary immune deficiency; fight with oxidative stress; influence on antigenic triggers; normalizing diet and mode of living; lowering iatrogenic effects.Authors point out that physicians should use an thorough approach, taking into account effect of pharmacotherapy on natural course of the disease and possibility of adverse drug reactions, when choosing model of management of the patients with sarcoidosis (treatment or close monitoring).The unconventional and alternative methods of treatment of sarcoidosis are also considered in this review; however, these methods need further controlled clinical trials to establish their efficacy and safety.Authors propose an integrated system of management of the patients with sarcoidosis.

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