The problem of nosocomial infections remains the issue of the day and every year its medical and social significance becomes more and more relevant. Permanently working System for epidemiological monitoring could be one of major elements in the fight against nosocomial infections. Microbiological laboratories that identify and type nosocomial pathogens using molecular methods should be at the basis of the work of the System. The article characterises molecular methods and their significance surveillance at various stages of nosocomial infections investigations. Molecular markers that lies at the basis of genetic typing are analysed in the paper. The article shows selection criteria for molecular methods used for nosocomial infections epidemiological research, as well as the test results interpretation principles worked out for nosocomial infection pathogens. Optimal methods for typing of pathogens are given in the article, that serve as a proof that molecular methods is a powerful tool of clinical microbiologists, epidemiologists and physicians in their struggle against nosocomial infections. The article underlines the necessity of initiating reference-laboratories for nosocomial pathogens molecular typing that would make the fight against nosocomial infections more effective.
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