Antimicrobials | CMAC


Duration of Antibiotic Use in Surgical Patients

While many studies have been completed comparing antibiotics or antibiotic combinations in the treatment of specific infections, few studies have focussed on the necessary duration of treatment. If antibiotics are generally safe, is it necessary to …

The Role of Newer Macrolides in the Treatment of Community-Acquired Respiratory Tract Infections: a Review of Experimental and Clinical Data

The macrolide class of antibiotics is well established and often recommended for use in the treatment of community-acquired respiratory tract infections (RTI). The newer agents clarithromycin and azithromycin are frequently prescribed as firstor …

The WHO Model List of Essential Drugs

The WHO Model List of Essential Drugs is eagerly awaited in many countries as a guide to what should be provided for basic health needs. Colloquially known as the «Essential Drugs List» it should perhaps be remembered that it is only a …

Pilot Study of LongSterm Azithromycin Prophylaxis of Acute Bacterial Infections of Respiratory Tract in Military Persons

Objective. Introduction Azithromycinis anazalide with high activity against most frequent pathogens causing respiratory community-acquired infections – Streptococ cus spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, – an d long tissue concentrations. These features make it very attractive for use inprophylaxis of bacterial respiratory tract infections. The objective of this study was to determine azithromycin ability to prevent respiratory tract infection during winter period among military recruits. Materials and Methods. Two groups of military recruits (100 males in each group) were entered the same training center near Moscow in January 1999.

Hepatotoxicity of trovafloxacin – what is a future of the new promising fluoroquinolon?

Mupirocin: the unique antibiotic for topical use

Spiramycin renaissance