CMAC 2022; 24(1) | CMAC

CMAC 2022; 24(1)

This review aims to describe the microbiological characteristics, resistant features and pathogenic potential of Achromobacter spp. …

Objective. To study risk factors, etiology, clinical signs and treatment outcomes of invasive aspergillosis (IA) and mucormycosis …

Objective. To assess the actual practice of conducting clinical and economic studies of antimicrobial medicines included in the federal …

Objective. To analyze the features of local antibiotic resistance monitoring at hospitals in the Russian Federation. Materials and …

Objective. To create local antibiotic resistance surveillance system using the AMRcloud online platform to provide evidence base for …

Objective. To perform genotyping of cytomegalovirus (CMV) phosphotransferase UL97 and investigate mutations associated with …

Objective. To determine spectrum and prevalence of genetic determinants of resistance to macrolides in Mycoplasma genitalium in a …

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines contain a limited number of serotype-specific antigens of S. pneumoniae. It is important for …

Objective. To analyze the structure and magnitude of the labor costs of various categories of personnel of the microbiological …

Objective. To assess effect of topical use of solution containing ferrous ions on efficacy of metronidazole therapy in women with …

Objective. To assess bacterial contamination of smartphone surfaces belonging to medical staff and medical students who provide …