infectious complications | CMAC

infectious complications

Involvement of Pneumocystis jirovecii in infectious and other diseases in children and adults with immunosuppression of various origin

Objective. To evaluate the involvement of P. jirovecii in the infectious and other diseases in children and adults with immunosuppression of various origin. To assess the risk of infection with P. jirovecii, pneumocystosis and its spread by healthcare workers. Materials and Methods. An analysis of the results of a study of 1,446 samples of peripheral blood sera from patients, both children and adults, who were treated in hospitals of various profiles in Moscow and represented an increased risk group for pneumocystosis.

Specific features of antimicrobial therapy in patients with severe respiratory failure receiving veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

In modern medicine, the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is becoming increasingly common in the treatment of severe respiratory failure. The development of infectious complications in patients receiving ECMO often leads to an increase in …

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis of Infectious Complications in Military Surgery

Infectious complications of combat-related injuries are the main cause of mortality and prolonged hospitalization in servicemen. Modern armed conflicts make it possible to use all of the advantages of medical care at early stages following wounding. …