
Analysis of fatal outcomes associated with ceftriaxone treatment from the Russian database of spontaneous reports

Objective. To analyze spontaneous reports (SRs) from the Russian database of adverse reactions (Automated information system «Pharmacovigilance» of Roszdravnadzor), containing information on fatal outcomes during ceftriaxone treatment, and to identify factors associated with an increased risk of death with ceftriaxone use. Materials and Methods. The study included 122 SRs concerning fatal cases during ceftriaxone therapy. All SRs were submitted to the Russian pharmacovigilance database from 06 May 2019 to 23 November 2022.

Clinico-Economic Effectiveness of Ceftaroline Fosamil for the Treatment of Hospitalised Patients with Pneumococcal Community-Acquired Pneumonia from a Societal Perspective

Objective. Due to high activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae ceftaroline fosamil (CF) presents a good option for the treatment of adults with pneumococcal communityacquired pneumonia (PCAP) requiring parenteral antibacterial therapy. We aimed to assess cost-effectiveness of CF for the treatment of PCAP in a multi-field hospital in Russia from a societal perspective. Materials and Methods. Decision tree model based on the results of two 3rd phase clinical trials (FOCUS 1, FOCUS 2) was created to represent a standard approach to the management of hospitalised patients with PCAP and estimated outcomes including possible recurrence of infection, direct and delayed attributive mortality in case of initial therapy with CF 600 mg BID vs.

Questionable Efficacy of Generics in the Treatment of Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia

The retrospective analysis of treatment of patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia has been performed. It has demonstrated that the results of therapy with generic preparations of ceftriaxone and levofloxacin were inferior to original drug …

Pharmaceutical Quality of Ceftriaxone Generic Drug Products Compared with Rocephin®

Translated and reprinted with permission from “Journal of Chemotherapy” 2003; 15:357-68

The pharmaceutical qualities of 34 ceftriaxone generic products were compared with Rocephin as the reference standard.Quality standards specified in the European …