Topical therapy of wound infections: antiseptics or antibiotics? | CMAC

Topical therapy of wound infections: antiseptics or antibiotics?

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2017; 19(2):131-138

Journal article


Wound healing and wound infection is not enough standardized in practice of surgeon. Existing recommendations on local antimicrobial agents do not contain references to specific products and do not explain their key features. The role of antiseptics and local forms of antibiotics in the treatment of wounds not completely defined, that gives the impression of an identical indications for their use. In reality topical formulations differ significantly in their chemical structure and mechanism of action. Recommendations for treatment of fresh and infected chronic wounds need to be adjusted, as many antiseptics and antibiotics have both positive and negative impact on the course of wound healing when applied topically

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