New Drug Formulations of Posaconazole: Brief Clinical Pharmacology Review | CMAC

New Drug Formulations of Posaconazole: Brief Clinical Pharmacology Review

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016; 18(4):249-269

Journal article


Posaconazole is a second generation triazole with a broad spectrum of activity, which first appeared on the market in 2005 in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Despite some progress made in the framework of clinical trials, the problems associated with both the features of the pharmacokinetics of an oral suspension, and with the inability to take drug per os in individual patients, led to the obvious limitations of the use of posaconazole in clinical practice. In the period from 2013 to 2014 in Europe and the US new tablet formulation of posaconazole and a solution for intravenous administration have been approved for the use. The emergence of tablets with improved pharmacokinetic parameters, as well as the intravenous form of the drug with the ability to use both in the stepdown approach, and in patients who due to various reasons has no possibility to take posaconazole per os, made a great positive impact on the antifungals selection problem for the treatment and prevention of invasive fungal infections. At the moment, new formulations of posaconazole is not registered in the Russian Federation, however, it seems appropriate to familiarize practitioners with their clinical-pharmacological characteristics

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