Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a syndrome characterized by replacement of a normal (resident) vaginal flora with an association of anaerobic microorganisms. The most recently described novel microorganism, Atopobium vaginae, may be involved in pathogenesis of BV. Some strains of A. vaginae are metronidazole-resistant and, therefore, make it difficult to treat BV and lead to high recurrence rates. In order to ensure appropriate therapy, it needs to detect all microorganisms involving in BV development. This paper presents data on the incidence rate of A. vaginae in women of childbearing age who presented with gynecological symptoms to the Rostov-on-Don outpatient clinic #42. Vaginal discharges obtained from all women were tested using both culture and PCR analysis for resident and anaerobic microflora. Among female patients with decompensated BV, A. vaginae was detected frequently (47%) as a part of polymicrobial association. However, this microorganism was not found in women who had resident flora (Lactobacillus spp.) under circumstances of vaginal normocenosis or subcompensated BV.
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