Diagnosis of Osteomyelitis in Diabetic Foot Syndrome | CMAC

Diagnosis of Osteomyelitis in Diabetic Foot Syndrome

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2011; 13(1):40-45

Journal article


The risk of the development of diabetic foot syndrome in diabetic patients is more than 25% during the life. Almost half of all cases of diabetic foot syndrome are associated with infections with about 65% of infections involving the bone tissues. At that osteomyelitis in particular is responsible for the vast majority of nontraumatic amputations of lower extremities throughout the world. The five-year survival rate after such operation is only about 50%. Concerning the above facts the early and adequate diagnostic of the osteomyelitis in patients with diabetic foot syndrome is of great importance for the choice of treatment approach and for the outcome, respectively.

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