New regimens and new medications in the treatment of tuberculosis: keeping step? | CMAC

New regimens and new medications in the treatment of tuberculosis: keeping step?

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2021; 23(1):27-42



Rapid tests detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis and drug resistance which are universally implemented in medical practice has dramatically improved the diagnosis of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis and shortened turnaround time thus enabling early etiotropic therapy. However, permanently increasing drug resistance of M. tuberculosis makes treatment less effective. Furthermore, long treatment courses are required due to low sterilizing activity of treatment regimens used for drug-resistant tuberculosis which leads to greater toxic effects, reduces patients’ adherence to treatment and consumes resources of medical care systems. Current phthisiology needs new effective medications and short treatment regimens, otherwise elimination of tuberculosis by 2050 is impossible. This review summarizes the information about treatment of drugresistant TB, including repurposed drugs, new medications and treatment regimens.

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