CMAC 2020; 22(4) | CMAC

CMAC 2020; 22(4)

Changes in the list of scientific specialties and corresponding branches of science of Higher Attestation Commission of Russian …

The review discusses national clinical practice guidelines for pneumococcal vaccination in different countries, existing approaches to …

Objective. To investigate a candidemia outbreak caused by C. parapsilosis in a clinical unit of the Dmitry Rogachev National Medical …

Objective. To determine frequency of Staphylococcus isolation and antimicrobial resistance in hospitalized children with different …

The analysis of the current state of antimicrobial resistance was performed and used as the basis for the implementation of modern …

Colistin and polymyxin B are the “last reserve” antimicrobials for the treatment of extensively drug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial …

Objective. To study the possibility of transferring multidrug resistant microorganisms through healthcare workers’ cell phones between …

Objective. To evaluate effect of 23S rRNA gene mutations in Mycoplasma pneumoniae on severity of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in …

Objective. To evaluate effectiveness of the various approaches to fluoroquinolone susceptibility testing of Salmonella, including S. …