General rules

The document set submitted to the editorial board of «Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy»=«Klinicheskaia mikrobiologiia i antimikrobnaia khimioterapiia» journal should include:

  • Cover letter
  • The manuscript

Cover letter

The cover letter in a separate file contains the following information:

  • A manuscript has not been published earlier in any journal
  • A manuscript is not being considered for publication in another journal
  • All authors have seen and approved the manuscript
  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in the manuscript
The cover letter should be signed by the Director or Associate Scientific Director of the institution.


1. Templates

  • You can download the .docx template for the "Review" article here.
  • You can download the .docx template for the "Original" article here.

2. Standards of reporting

The authors should adhere to the minimum reporting guidelines for health research by the EQUATOR Network when preparing the manuscript.

The title page should include:

  • the article title (in Russian and English);
  • the author(s) last name(s) and initials (in Russian and English);
  • the full name of the institution or organization where the author(s) works along with mailing address, city, country, and postal code (in Russian and English).
If there are multiple authors working at different institutions/organizations, each author name and the corresponding institution should have a digital reference. For institutions/organizations, the official English name should be specified (if it’s not available, a direct translation into English is acceptable).

For every author it should be provided:

  • the ORCID ID (if there is no ORCID ID, the authors should obtain it by registering at;
  • contact information of the corresponding author: name, mailing address, phone, email. (in Russian and English).
The article should be signed by each of the authors.

There should be a separate page with additional data on each author: full name in Russian language and transliterated, email, mailing address of the institution/organization.

3. Text Formatting

The article should be typed with Times New Roman or Arial; font size – 12; line spacing – 1.5 lines; space after paragraph – 6 pt; top, right and bottom margins – 2 cm, left margin – 3 cm. All pages should be centrally numbered at the bottom of the page. Automatic hyphenation is not allowed. The only headings/subheadings may be shown in bold. Italic may be used for headings/subheadings and is mandatory for microorganism names (e.g. Escherichia coli). Abbreviated microorganism name should be typed as follows: E. coli. Family, order and class of microorganisms should be typed with regular font style (not Italic).

The article should have an abstract both in Russian and English languages. An abstract should be structured. If the article contains own experimental or quasi-experimental results, an abstract should include the following sections: (1) Objective, (2) Materials and methods, (3) Results, (4) Conclusions. If the article is a literature review, other non-systemic review or case report, an abstract may be written in arbitrary way, but should include key words. The recommended abstract size should not exceed 350 words. There should be 3 to 5 key words (pertinent to the article topic) at the end of the abstract.

4. Table Formatting

The table should have a concise and descriptive title. The abbreviations given in the table should be deciphered in the note to the table, even if they have already been described in the text of the article. Tables are placed in the text after the paragraph that refers to them. Numbers and percentages should be carefully checked by the author and correspond to the text data.

5. Submission of figures

All figures will be redrawn into «CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY» style by our in-house designer. To effectively ensure faster turnaround of the piece, an author should provide high quality images where possible (not less than 300 dpi, not less than 1500 by 1500 pixels).

Figure captions are grouped at the end of the article. Each figure should have a title, abbreviations and explanations of the elements. The captions to the microphotographs indicate the staining method and magnification. Figures are attached as separate files in tiff, jpeg or png format. Illustrations created or processed in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint) are sent as a file of the appropriate format (DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX). Each file should be named according to the number of the figure (Figure_1, Figure_2a, etc.). All image files can be merged into a single archive (zip or rar format) to be sent.

6. Additional information

Conflict of interest

All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.

External funding source

The authors are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article. If there is no source of financing, this section should not be included in the article.

Ethical compliance

(only for ‘Original articles’ that includes interventions to patients and/or animals)

Research projects involving human subjects must conform to ethical standards of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, 2013 version («Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects»), and to «Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation» approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 01.04.2016, No 200n.

All animal studies need to comply with the directives of the European Community 2010/63/ЕС and the ARRIVE guidelines.

Authors should clarify whether the examination record has the ethics committee approval (including the organization name, the location of the organization, the record number and the committee meeting date).


This section should acknowledge any research assistants or others who provided help during the research/ have made a significant contribution to improving the paper but who are not included among the authors.

7. References

References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text, NOT in alphabetical order.

References should be numbered with Arabic numerals [in square brackets]. Examples: [1], [5-8].

List up ALL the authors or editors in reference list. If there are more than six, list the first six, plus et al. Invert all names – authors, editors – first and middle initials trailing with periods.

The names of journals are abbreviated according to the List of NLM (Catalog by the National Library of Medicine). If a journal is not indexed for Medline, you should use its full title.

The titles of national journals are not reduced.

The transliteration of Russian-language sources using the official codes in the following order: the authors are transliterated by using encodings, the journal title is transliterated or should have a direct English translation (if available) as the title of the article should have a direct English translation.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be provided (if available). To find a DOI for articles, visit:

ATTENTION! References to abstracts of dissertations or dissertations are not accepted.

Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles by the National Library of Medicine.

Examples of the references

Articles in Journals

  1. Standard journal article
    • Nordmann P., Poirel L. The difficult-to-control spread of carbapenemaseproducing among Enterobacteriaceae worldwide. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20(9):821-830. DOI: 10.1111/1469-0691.12719
    • Bevan E.R., Jones A.M., Hawkey P.M. Global epidemiology of CTX-M β-lactamases: temporal and geographical shifts in genotype. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2017;72(8):2145-2155. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkx146
  2. Article in non-Latin script (Russian, etc.)
    • Kuzmenkov A.Yu., Trushin I.V., Avramenko A.A., Edelstein M.V., Dekhnich A.V., Kozlov R.S. AMRmap: an online platform for monitoring antibiotic resistance. Kliniceskaa Mikrobiologia i Antimikrobnaa Himioterapia. 2017;19(2):84-90. Russian. (Кузьменков А.Ю., Трушин И.В., Авраменко А.А., Эйдельштейн М.В., Дехнич А.В., Козлов Р.С. AMRmap: Интернет-платформа мониторинга антибиотикорезистентности. Клиническая микробиология и антимикробная химиотерапия. 2017;19(2):84-90.)
    • Vasilieva V.A. Parovichnikova E.N., Drokov M.Yu., Kuzmina L.A., Klyasova G.A., Tikhomirov D.S., et al. Aetiology of hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Kliniceskaa Mikrobiologia i Antimikrobnaa Himioterapia. 2018;20(3):232 238. Russian. (Васильева В.А., Паровичникова Е.Н., Дроков М.Ю., Кузьмина Л.А., Клясова Г.А., Тихомиров Д.С., и соавт. Этиологические особенности геморрагического цистита после трансплантации аллогенных гемопоэтических стволовых клеток. Клиническая микробиология и антимикробная химиотерапия. 2018;20(3):232-238.)
  3. Authors are both personal authors and a Group
    • Reshedko G.K., Ryabkova E.L., Farashchuk A.N., Stratchounski L.S., and ROSNET study group. Non-Fermenting Gram Negative Nosocomial Pathogens in Russian ICUs: Antimicrobial Resistance Problems. Kliniceskaa Mikrobiologia i Antimikrobnaa Himioterapia. 2006;8:243-259. Russian. (Решедько Г.К., Рябкова Е.Л., Фаращук А.Н., Страчунский Л.С, исследовательская группа РОСНЕТ. Неферментирующие грамотрицательные возбудители нозокомиальных инфекций в ОРИТ России: проблемы антибиотикорезистентности. Клиническая микробиология и антимикробная химиотерапия. 2006;8:243-259.)
    • Hidron A. I., Edwards J. R., Patel J., National Healthcare Safety Network Team. The National Healthcare Safety Network Team and Participating National Healthcare Safety Network Facilities. Antimicrobial-resistant pathogens associated with healthcare-associated infections: annual summary of data reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006-2007. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2008;29:996-1011.
  4. Supplements
    • Bassetti M., Peghin M., Timsit J. The current treatment landscape: candidiasis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016;71(Suppl. 2):ii13-ii22. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkw392
    • Lessa F., Gould C., McDonald L. Current Status of Clostridium difficile Infection Epidemiology. Clin Infect Dis. 2012;55(Suppl 2):S65-S70. DOI: 10.1093/cid/cis319

Books and Monographs

  1. One or several Authors are listed (Complete Data)
    • Murray P., Rosenthal K., Pfaller M. Medical microbiology. 7th ed. Elsevier Science; 2013. 888 p.
    • Otten T.F., Vasil’ev A.V. Mycobacteriosis. SPb: Medicinskaja pressa; 2005. 224 p. Russian. (Оттен Т.Ф., Васильев А.В. Микобактериоз. СПб: Медицинская пресса; 2005. 224 c.)
  2. One or several Editors are listed
    • Calderone R., Clancy C., eds. Candida and candidiasis, 2nd ed. Washington: ASM Press; 2012. 309 p. DOI: 10.1128/9781555817176
    • Otten T.F., Vasil’ev A.V. Mycobacteriosis. SPb: Medicinskaja pressa; 2005. 224 p. Russian. (Оттен Т.Ф., Васильев А.В. Микобактериоз. СПб: Медицинская пресса; 2005. 224 c.)
  3. Books in non-Latin script (Russian, etc.)
    • Synopalnikov A.I., Kozlov R.S. Community-acquired respiratory tract infections. Guidelines for practitioners — M.: Prem’er MT, Nash Gorod 2007. 352 p. Russian. (Синопальников А.И., Козлов Р.С. Внебольничные инфекции дыхательных путей. Руководство для врачей — М.: Премьер МТ, Наш Город 2007. 352 с.)
  4. Chapter in a Book
    • Kuczynski J., Stombaugh J., Walters W.A., Gonzalez A., Caporaso J.G., Knight R. Using QIIME to analyze 16S rRNA gene sequences from microbial communities. In: Current protocols in bioinformatics; 2011. Chapter 10:Unit 10.7. DOI: 10.1002/0471250953.bi1007s36

Other materials

  1. Abstracts in Conference proceedings
    • Stratchounski L.S., Kozlov R.S., Sivaya O.V., Poupard J.A. Antimicrobial Resistance in Russia among Streptococcus Pneumoniae (SP) Causing Community-Acquired Respiratory Tract Infections (CARTI): PEHASus-I Surveillance Program, 2001-2002. Proceedings of the 41st Infectious Diseases Society of America Meeting. San Diego, USA; 9-12 October 2003. P. 65.
  2. Electronic References
    • R Core Team. R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. 2016. Available at: Accessed July 2019.
    • Clinical recommendations. Susceptibility testing of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents, 2018. Available at: Accessed June 01, 2019. Russian. (Клинические рекомендации. Определение чувствительности микроорганизмов к антимикробным препаратам, 2015. Доступно по адресу: Ссылка активна на 01 июня 2019 г.)

8. File formats

  • The article as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx)
  • Each figure as a separate file or all figures as .zip or .rar archive
  • Scanned copy of the cover letter as .pdf or .jpeg file