pharmacoeconomy | CMAC


Clinico-Economic Effectiveness of Ceftaroline Fosamil for the Treatment of Hospitalised Patients with Pneumococcal Community-Acquired Pneumonia from a Societal Perspective

Objective. Due to high activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae ceftaroline fosamil (CF) presents a good option for the treatment of adults with pneumococcal communityacquired pneumonia (PCAP) requiring parenteral antibacterial therapy. We aimed to assess cost-effectiveness of CF for the treatment of PCAP in a multi-field hospital in Russia from a societal perspective. Materials and Methods. Decision tree model based on the results of two 3rd phase clinical trials (FOCUS 1, FOCUS 2) was created to represent a standard approach to the management of hospitalised patients with PCAP and estimated outcomes including possible recurrence of infection, direct and delayed attributive mortality in case of initial therapy with CF 600 mg BID vs.