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Comparative Quality of Parenteral Formulations of Azithromycin Original and Generic Products

Introduction. Azithromycin is still one of the most frequently administered antimicrobials. In conditions of counterfeited generic drugs number steady growth in Russia, there is an obvious necessity of their pharmaceutical equivalence study. Objectives. Objective. Comparison of quantitative amount and stability of azithromycin, detection of impurities and insoluble particle contamination in original Sumamed product (Pliva, Croatia) and two generic drugs (Azithral, Alembic Ltd, India, and Azinort, Neon Laboratories Ltd, India).

Quality of Generic Drug Products and Equivalence to Original Drug Products

Generic drugs account for 78 to 95% of drug products on the Russian pharmaceutical market and represent a common way of decreasing treatment cost. The main problem of generic drugs is a pharmaceutical quality and comparability between generic and …

To the Question of Interchangeability of Original and Generic Parenteral Antimicrobials

Introduction. In the conditions of dramatic rising of antibacterial resistance of gram-negative nosocomial pathogens, carbapenems plays a leading part as empiric antibacterial therapy, particularly in severe infections. Carbapenems on Russian pharmaceutical market presented by the original products and the number of generics from the India and other countries. Objective. The aim of the study was to compare the quality of original meropenem product and one of the generics. Materials and Methods.