gut microbiota | CMAC

gut microbiota

Translocation of gut microbiota in liver cirrhosis: mechanisms, clinical significance, and markers

This article is an overview of the data on bacterial intestinal translocation. The article reviews changes in the intestinal microbiome, the local physiological barrier, as well as the innate and adaptive immunity characteristics contributing to the …

Gut Microbiota Composition in Patients with Different Body Weight

Objective. To characterize gut microbiota composition in patients with different body weight. Materials and Methods. A total of 92 patients (mean age: 52.8 years) with different body mass index (BMI), with or without abdominal obesity were enrolled in the study. A metagenomic analysis as an assessment of 16S rRNA gene diversity in a total DNA sample was performed according to 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation protocol. Taxonomic composition of the samples was evaluated using 16S rRNA gene sequences database Greengenes v.

The Involvement of Human Gut Microbiota in Chronic Systemic Inflammation

This article presents current view about the mechanisms of human gut microbiota influence on chronic systemic inflammation. Over the last years, evidence of close relationship between different medical conditions and gut microbiota status has been …