disinfection | CMAC


Assessment of healthcare workers’ smartphones for microbial contamination

Objective. To assess bacterial contamination of smartphone surfaces belonging to medical staff and medical students who provide round-the-clock medical care in Krasnoyarsk hospitals and who do not work in those institutions. Materials and Methods. Bacterial contamination of 122 smartphones owned by medical staff and medical students was studied in the following groups: doctors (n = 31), nurses (n = 29), students, who work in MIs (n = 27), and students who do not work in MIs (n = 35).

Antiseptics and Disinfectants in the Prophylaxis of Nosocomial Infections

Medical equipments, instruments and hands of medical personnel serve as one of the most important vehicles for the transmission of nosocomial infections, and as a result of this, disinfection and sterilization are considered as a main part of any …