CMAC 2023; 25(1) | CMAC

CMAC 2023; 25(1)

Measles virus causes an acute infectious disease with high contagiousness. It is possible to limit the spread of measles virus only …

Fusobacterium nucleatum is a component of the oral microflora, and in clinical practice it is associated primarily with periodontal …

One of the urgent problems of modern health care is the growing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics, including carbapenems, …

Objective. The purpose of this study is to systematize and comprehensively evaluate safety data on the drug favipiravir using the …

Objective. To perform pharmacoepidemiological analysis of spontaneous reports of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) occurred during …

Despite the presence of more than 100 different antibacterials in the therapeutic arsenal, beta-lactam antibiotics, in general, and the …

Inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase, in addition to suppressing cholesterol synthesis, have an antiviral effect. Clinical …

Objective. To review the key principles and functionality of AMRexpert online platform. Materials and Methods. The information part of …

Objective. To study the antibacterial activity of lysostaphin against staphylococci various species, as well as its effect on the …

Objective. To evaluate the existing patterns of antimicrobials dispensing in community pharmacies during the COVID-19 pandemic. …

Objective. To identify risk factors for fatal outcome and COVID-19-associated liver damage in hospitalized adult patients with …

A rare clinical case of native aortic valve infective endocarditis (IE) caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in a 56-year old man without …

Pulmonary aspergillosis has always been considered as a disease that occurs in patients with certain risk factors for its development. …