CMAC 2022; 24(2) | CMAC

CMAC 2022; 24(2)

Objective. To evaluate safety of anti-interleukin drugs used as a pathogenetic therapy of COVID-19 as assessed by risks of infectious …

Psychobiotics are a special class of probiotics that have a beneficial effect on human mental health. During the last decade, …

Objective. To study the prevalence of pneumocystosis among heart recipients (persons awaiting heart transplantation), persons with …

Objective. To determine resistant microorganisms carriage, the frequency and etiology of postoperative infectious complications in …

Objective. To assess minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of antimicrobials for Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) mycobacteria …

Infectious complications in the respiratory tract caused by microorganisms from the Burkholderia cepacia complex are the main cause of …

Objective. To present the results of using in-house method for rapid identification of fungi from funguspositive bottles with routine …

Objective. Development of local clinical protocols for antibacterial therapy of COVID-19-associated bacterial pneumonia in the …