CMAC 2013; 15(4) | CMAC

CMAC 2013; 15(4)

Objective. To estimate the incidence of communityacquired pneumonias and acute otitis media and the role of S. pneumoniae and H. …

This paper reviews a current state of the lymphogranuloma venereum in developed countries. Lymphogranuloma venereum is a sexually …

Siphoviridae family bacteriophages are known to play a major role in horizontal transfer of virulence genes among Staphylococcus aureus …

Infections caused by drug resistant pathogens are ever-increasing problem in hospital and outpatient settings. Nosocomial infections …

Analysis of antibiotic usage in children living in orphanages was performed during two time-periods: 2003–2004 and 2009–2010 with the …

The review deals with modern methods of indication of infectious agents in the blood. From methodological point of view, they can be …

Currently, treatment of intra-abdominal infections is significantly complicated by increased antimicrobial resistance. Inappropriate …

The study of the prevalence of ESBL CTX-M type of nosocomial strains of Enterobacteriaceae was perfomed. CTX-M enzymes have been …