CMAC 2013; 15(1) | CMAC

CMAC 2013; 15(1)

The article contains modern notions of epidemiology, course, clinical and diagnostic aspects of communityacquired pneumonia caused by …

Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are a frequent clinical problem. Properly managed, most of them can be cured, but many patients …

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of nails of fingers of the hands or feet, resulting in thinning, and the subsequent destruction, …

According to international post-marketing trials, levofloxacin now belongs to the antimicrobial agents being in a great demand in …

«Respiratory» fluoroquinolones, unlike previous generations, have higher activity against Gram-positive pathogens causing important …

Objective. Objectives. To study incidence and changes of fluoroquinolone resistance among Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Novosibirsk …

Objective. To compare genotypes (by mec complex) of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolated from different patient populations. …

Objective. To determine lactobacilli species diversity in different states of vaginal microbiota in pregnant women using culture, …