To assess systemic antimicrobials (AM) consumption and expenditures in multi-profile hospitals in different regions of Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus in 2009–2010 retrospective collection of data from hospital receipts notes was performed. AM consumption was calculated using ATC/DDD methodology and expressed in numbers of DDD/100 bed-days (DBD). Average AM consumption and expenditure rates in 2009 and 2010 were as follows: 40.2 DBD / 10.5 million rubles and 34.4 DBD / 7.8 million rubles; average cost of 1 DDD – 101 rubles and 72.8 rubles, respectively. The highest consumption rates were for antibacterials for systemic use, J01 (96% in 2009 and 96.3% in 2010), such as non-penicillin beta-lactams, J01D (41.2% and 38.3%), penicillins, J01C (28.8% and 24%) and quinolones, J01M (11.1% and 15.9%, respectively); the highest expenditure rates – for antibacterials for systemic use, J01 (97.7% in 2009 and 98.1% in 2010), such as non-penicillin betalactams, J01D (60.6% and 63.8%), penicillins, J01C (14.1% and 11.1%) and quinolones, J01M (10.5% and 10.2%, respectively). Improper AM consumption (17.7% in 2009 and 14.6% in 2010) and expenditure rates (12.6% and 8%, respectively) were unreasonably high. Study outputs can be used for budget allocation and AM distribution improvement in multi-profile hospitals as well as for development and efficacy control of local antimicrobial stewardship program.
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