Results of retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study in Far East region of Russia within 2004–2008 are presented. 1119 cases of antibacterials administration during the first trimester of pregnancy from 554 medical records were analyzed. Results of the data analysis show that every pregnant women has received at the average 2.02±0.11 medication prescriptions. Mostly often were administrated drugs with systemic effects. Only in 26.4% of cases attempts to exclude possible pregnancy were done. In 18.6% of cases antibacterial drugs were used without doctor’s prescription. Most often the following antibiotics were taken: penicillins, fluoroquinolons, imidazols, cefalosporins and macrolides. Besides, antibiotics with teratogenic effect, such as tetracyclins and aminoglicozides were also used during pregnancy. 44.06% of analyzed prescriptions were relatively safe for a fetus (B according to FDA). 10.37% of analyzed antibacterial and antiviral drugs had no drug safety information in pregnancy (NR). In the rest of cases possible risk for a fetus was assumed.
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