The present article describes comparative pharmacokinetic study of different generic oral forms of amoxicillin — soluble tablets «Flemoxin Solutab», manufactured by «Astellas Pharma Europe B.V.», Netherlands, and powder for suspension «Amosin», manufactured by «Sintez», Russia. The study group consisted of 18 healthy volunteers each of that sign written informed consent form. Discordance of main pharmacokinetic parameters and lack of bioequivalence of studied generics were revealed. It has been shown that soluble tablets «Flemoxin Solutab» have pharmacokinetic parameters that allow to achieve more stable concetrations of amoxicillin than powder for suspension «Amosin». In accordance to the results of the study it can be concluded that «Flemoxin Solutab» has significantly favorable PK/PD profile for the treatment of pneumococcal infections caused by penicillin-intermediate and resistant strains.
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