Current Approaches to Antimicrobial Therapy of Bacterial Vaginosis | CMAC

Current Approaches to Antimicrobial Therapy of Bacterial Vaginosis

Клиническая Микробиология и Антимикробная Химиотерапия. 2009; 11(3):196-210

Journal article


Efficacy of antimicrobial treatment regimens in pregnant or non-pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) is difficult to evaluate. It’s due to variability of the diagnosis and cure criteria currently used in clinical studies. This paper reviews studies of different topical and systemic antimicrobial treatment regimens in women with BV. Antimicrobial therapy in women with BV was shown to significantly reduce the risk of persistence compared to placebo. Specific treatment regimens and efficacy of probiotics for recurrent episodes of BV are discussed. Relationships between BV and pregnancy outcomes or gynecological disorders as well as a need for treatment in asymptomatic women with BV are also considered. However, efficacy of antimicrobial therapy in pregnant women with BV in reducing the risk of preterm birth remains controversial.

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