To assess prevalence of antibodies to spirochetes of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex among blood donors in Moscow region, a total of 113 serum samples were tested using the new regional Borrelia strain and 2-step approach for detection of seropositivity. The first step of serological testing was performed using new Russian enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit. At the second step positive and borderline blood samples were retested by Western blot. Serum was considered «truly positive» when both tests were positive. A total of 41 serum samples from the patients with erythema migrans were used as control to determine sensitivity of the new EIA kit. Use of the regional Borrelia strain as an antigen did not affect the results of testing for tick-borne borreliosis (sensitivity was 32%), however, specificity was very high (95%) to use this EIA kit for population screening. There was no significant increase in specificity of serologic test for tickborne borreliosis. Prevalence of anti-borrelia antibodies among donors was 9% with the use of EIA test. Level of antibodies among donors with the history of tick contact was threshold or above. Number of seropositive donors was decreased to 6% when two-step approach was performed. In conclusion, prevalence of Borrelia seropositivity among blood donors in Moscow region was found to be lower than overall prevalence in Russia (12%).
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