The objective of the study was to evaluate the outpatient use of systemic antimicrobials in different regions of Russia. Data on the use of antimicrobials in 24 regions of Russia during year 2004 were collected according to the audit of pharmaceutical retail by the «Remedium» Group. Outpatient use of systemic antimicrobials in 24 regions of Russia during year 2004 ranged from 4.9 to 32.1 DID with mean of 11,5 DID. In 23 regions the penicillins were the most frequently used antimicrobials (from 17.2% in Voronezh region to 41.1% in Perm region). In Kursk region tetracyclines were the prevalent class of antimicrobials (25.3%). In all regions, except Perm, among penicillins the broad spectrum penicillins were prevalent (ampicillin, amoxicillin, carbenicillin). On the second positions in the structure of antimicrobial’s use in 11 regions were tetracyclines (with more than 75% of doxycycline in this group), in 7 regions – quinolones (mostly due to ciprofloxacin), in 6 regions – sulfonamides (mainly co-trimoxazole). The role of macrolides and lincosamides varied from 7.8% in Saratov region to 16.7% in Khabarovsk; cephalosporins – from 1.1% in Krasnoyarsk and Nizhniy Novgorod regions to 5.7% in Omsk region, chloramphenicol – from 1.3% in Perm to 10.8% in Belgorod region, aminoglycosides – from 1.0% in Saint Petersburg to 6.1% in Kursk. So, it can be assumed, that there is a significant difference in the outpatient consumption of systemic antimicrobials in different regions of Russia. Thus, in some regions the older agents with unfavorable safety profiles are widely administered. In opposite, in other regions newer agents are used more frequently.
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