Russia is the only country, where the term «dysbacteriosis» is used. However, there is no nosologic form such as dysbacteriosis in the ICIDH-10, and effectiveness of the medications used for prophylaxis and treatment of this condition has a lowest level of evidence. To evaluate the real state of knowledge about dysbacteriosis a total of 77 pediatricians from 6 outpatient clinics completed the specific questionnaire. Results of the interview showed that 83.1% of respondents considered composite of intestinal flora is highly variable, and 48.1% of respondents considered that this one is specific for an individual patient. Approximately 40% of the pediatricians do not know about, what species represent the normal intestinal flora, and 30% of respondents believe that «dysbacteriosis» is indicated in ICIDH-10 as separate disease. Two thirds of respondents consider the use of antimicrobials as a main cause of dysbacteriosis. The majority of pediatricians think it necessary to administer antimicrobials for prophylaxis of dysbacteriosis. The only 32.5% of respondents consider the use of antifungals in those patients inappropriate. All respondents indicated that biological preparations (75.3%) and phages (24.7%) should be used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis.
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