Сommunity-acquired pneumonia remains one of the most common infections in population, and despite the wide array of antimicrobials, it is associated with high lethality rate. First 24-hours mortality is an integral characteristic of the quality of emergency medical care. Atotal of 17 communityacquired pneumonia cases, which consist 3% of all 580 deaths within the first 24 hours of hospitalization were accounted in this study. The aim of this study was to reflect a real practice of the management of community-acquired pneumonia. The paper represents an analysis of medical care patterns in cases of deaths within 24 hours of hospitalization due to community-acquired pneumonia. The possible causes of first 24-hours lethality associated with medical interventions and organization were also considered. Afocus on assessment of severity of the disease, prognosis as well as identification of risk factors for complicated course and death was made. Authors highlight that physicians both in hospital and outpatient settings should adhere to current guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia and use antimicrobials as early as within an outpatient emergency care.
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