The objective of this prospective multicentre study was to evaluate the efficacy of cefoperazone/sulbactam for monotherapy of patients with bacterial sepsis in different wards of multifield hospitals in Russia. Overall, in 14 study centers 127 patients with sepsis were enrolled, organ dysfunction was diagnosed in 53,5%. All patients received cefoperazone/sulbactam 4–8 g per day for 7–14 days. Clinical examination was performed on 3–5, 7–14 and 28–30 study days. Clinical efficacy of cefoperazone/sulbactam reached 95,8% with 76,5% patients cured and 19,3% – improved. Infection was confirmed microbiologically in 57,5% patients. Pathogens were: Enterobacteriaceae – 44 strains (37%); Pseudomonas aeruginosa – 22 (18,5%) strains; Enterococcus spp. – 22 (18,5%); Staphylococcus aureus – 19 (16%); other nonfermentative gram-negative rods – 12 (10%). The most active against prevalent pathogens (Enterobacteriaceae) were imipenem/cilastatin and cefoperazone/sulbactam with accounting resistance of 2,3% and 6,9% respectively (р > 0,05). Bacteriological efficacy on 7–14 days of treatment in 82 (64,6%) patients was considered as «eradication». In 4 (3,2%) patients a relation of adverse drug events to drug intake was assessed as «probable». Based on the results of the study cefoperazone/sulbactam may be recommended for empirical monotherapy of bacterial sepsis.
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