Aetiology of Kawasaki Disease | CMAC

Aetiology of Kawasaki Disease

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2002; 4(3):239-247

Journal article


Kawasaki disease is hyperimmune vasculitis with presumably infectious origin. Predisposing factors are probably heredity and atopy. Although etiology of Kawasaki disease is still unknown, there are a lot of facts, arguing for the trigger role of infection in pathogenesis of this systemic disease. The different infectious agents, both superantigens of certain bacteria and conventional viral and/or microbial antigens are considered as a cause of Kawasaki disease. Moreover, one or more microorganisms, which are probably still unknown, may afflict host immunocompetence and develop clinical symptoms. However, in general, investigations were able not to prove or disprove any single theory. Therefore, there is an obvious need for further studies in this field of infectious diseases.

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