The Natural Course of Combined Hepatitis B and C | CMAC

The Natural Course of Combined Hepatitis B and C

Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2001; 3(3):209-214

Journal article


One hundred thirty six patients in whom HВsAg and anti-HCV have been simultaneously detected were investigated. In all cases the complete clinical, laboratory and instrumental procedures including detection of HBV-DNA and НСV-RNA by PCR were performed. In patients with simultaneously detected HВsAg and anti-HCV the rate of detection of HBV-DNA was only 7% when НСV-РНК has been detected in 84% of cases. Thus, in vast majority of patients included in the study only replication of HCV was found. After infection by HCV in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CH B) HBV-DNA and НСV-RNA were detected simultaneously in 42% of cases, in 33% of patients only НСV-RNA and in 25% of patients only HBV-DNA were found. It indicates that infection of CH B patients by HCV after 1,5–2 years results in stable disappearance of the genome of one of the viruses from serum in half of patients, moreover the elimination of HBV-DNA was found to be more common. However, to make the final conclusion about the course of combined viral hepatitis B and C we need the results of studies on larger quantity of patients.

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